Sunday, December 16, 2012

We are back by popular demand with a few more pictures. Charlie has continued to grow rapidly ove 13lb now and is probably closer to 14.

Mom and Dad are doing well, Charlie is getting closer and closer to sleeping through the night, and he is keeping us entertained with smiles, giggles and general overwhelming cuteness.

It is amazing how much he has taken over our lives, there is not a minute that goes by that he is not our number 1 thought, we have both turned into the facebook people who do nothing but post pictures of our kid.

Christmas is just around the corner, and we can't wait. Charlie will be 6 months on Christmas Eve. It is really hard to believe that it has been half a year. It has had its moments of fear and overwhelming confusion but he is cute and happy and things always seem better with a little Charlie time.

Santa's coming

Merry Christmas

"The lip" is never a good thing! 


New hat from Daddy

Good morning world